Juno left optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius behind for the structure, focus, and discipline of Capricorn, entering the sign at 10:47p PST on Thursday 2nd February 2017. The search for factual and experiential truth now gives way to a determination to set and accomplish goals.

Under the influence of a numerological 1 universal year, this 2017 version of Juno in Capricorn is more likely to show up as goal setting rather than goal achievement. The intentions set now will likely be the ones we are committed to follow through upon over the next 4.2 years, so it’s important that we pay attention to the words and thoughts we are using at this time. We are creating our objectives for the next roughly four years, so we best be aware of the energy we’re putting into these new objectives and be clear about the motives for putting them in place.

The thing is…we’re not all on the same page. We are likely to find now through mid-December 2017 that some of us do have common goals, but we may have very different motivations for achieving them. We may also notice that though the goals are shared, we have very different ways of going about the achievement of those goals. There may be consensus on method or objective, but rarely on both.

That will especially be the case in the next few days and weeks under our current 2017 Aquarius 3 Sun. This 2017 Juno in Capricorn will be responsible for some interesting alliances and stranger collaborations than we’ve seen in a long time…yet despite the popular social ideologies and the agendas being pushed by our mass or institutional media, our technology-driven and people-driven media is where we’ll really be able to see which clearly-defined “teams” are taking shape. And we’ll see how these “teams” hold each other accountable for their positions.

We may learn throughout these next 11 months that our commitments are not as clearly defined as we believed them to be, and these “teams” aren’t as aligned or unified as we’d like to think they are.

Capricorn represents our public or professional personas and societal statues or position. Its presence strongly influences what we individually and collectively want to achieve in matters of career, profession, or public/societal role – our societal standards for success. Therefore on a personal level, you will find yourself reassessing your goals and creating some new ones when it comes to your professional or societal direction, and you’ll be determining which goals you are most committed to achieving or accomplishing. You’ll also notice which of your goals and your commitments to them may not be aligned with those of your partners or communities in one or more areas of your life, and you’ll find that in some cases, your communications – your words and thoughts – may also be at odds with your own commitments! You won’t be able to declare your commitment to certain goals, then change your story or try to present those goals as something else to others. You will be held responsible and accountable for your commitments throughout this Juno in Capricorn period, and you’ll be questioned often regarding where your commitments are strongest.

This will be a time in which you will need to choose which of your goals and ambitions are most important to you, then decide if you can find alignment with those goals in the community and partnership commitments you have in place.

Because we will be reassessing, adjusting, and creating new goals and commitments, it’s important to note how our personal commitments will be affecting our societal ones as Capricorn also tends to represent societal structures and institutions. Even though it creates, focuses upon, and is committed to achieving goals, Cap also has a strong element of tradition – a “this is how we’ve always done it” approach to matters. Some people will try to change how things are done – they will try to buck some of the traditions in place. We’ll see this dual most strongly when Juno makes conjunction transits with Pluto in Capricorn a couple of times over the next 11 months (within 3° orb in May and an exact conjunction in November). We’ll be able to know within the next 11 months which traditions or societal institutions are being empowered by Juno in Capricorn’s commitments and which ones are being destroyed or dismantled in favor of something new or different.

So don’t take any of our current events for granted or underestimate their significance. This 2017 Juno in Capricorn period will be one for the history books as the societal objectives for the next 3-4 years will become clear during this time. You’ll be determining your place in history as you make your personal commitment choices at this time…and you’ll be held accountable by your partners and communities for your choices now and for years to come. Make sure they’re choices and commitments you can live with.

There’s only two Juno in Capricorn transits for the remainder of this 2017 Aquarius Sun period:

  • Capricorn Juno squared Aries Venus, most exact on 3rd February – Partnership tensions challenge the ability for partners to move forward toward a common goal. Do you still share the same goal, or are you moving in different directions now?
  • Capricorn Juno semi-sextile Aquarius Mercury, most exact on 8th February – A clear new or renewed commitment to goals leads to unconventional ideas & unexpected alliances.

We’ll discuss more Juno transits as 2017 continues. This gives us a good start for now.

The key under this influence is to remember that you are setting your commitments for the next 3-4 years. Be intentional. Be clear. And most of all, be committed to the results you want to achieve for yourself, your life, and your world on the public and/or professional level.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post….

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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