999Friday, 9th September 2016 is a numerological 9-9-9 day. This means it is a 9 universal day in a 9 universal month in a 9 universal year (2+0+1+6 = 9).

Why does this matter?

9 is the number of completions and endings. It also represents leadership by fulfillment and/or accomplishment. Nine gets things done. It brings matters to fulfillment, yet in fulfillment there is now nothing left to strive for. Often, 9 brings awareness that something or something has run its course of has gone as far as it can go.

9 also represents clearing, and under a Virgo 9 Sun, this can represent clearing away what no longer serves us well – either because it’s not supporting healthy, efficient, or effective behaviors in our everyday lives OR because it no longer serves a positive or productive purpose for us. When something is complete or has fulfilled its purpose, it needs to be cleared away to make space for something new to be planted or for something new to have space to emerge or come in. If we are holding onto tightly to what is finished, complete, or out of alignment with our True selves in our lives, how can we have our hands and arms open to receive something new or true?

In other words, how can we receive what we’ve been asking for…or the fruits of our labors…or recognize the blessings in our lives if we are refusing to let go of what no longer serves us well?

You may already be having moments this month in which you recognize – by choice or by force – an element of your life which needs to be completed or released. Today in particular, you may experience one, two, or more of these moments. You may also experience the end of an experience or a relationship/partnership of some sort…or at least an aspect or dynamic within it that has run its course.

Nevertheless, recognize the power of this 9-9-9 day, and harness it if you can. Trust that whatever you release will be replaced with something better and more aligned with your inner truth than what you had before. This will be the case not only in your personal experience, but also in your experience of your community and the world around you.

This 9-9-9 energy will also be present on the 18th September as 18 reduces to a 9 (1+8 = 9) and the 27th September as 27 also reduces to a 9 (2 + 7 = 9).

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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