lady-blindfolded-holding-scales-justice-front-retro_mknzsaa__lAt 4:18a PDT on Friday, 9th September, Jupiter moves into the sign of Libra, and what I’m choosing to call “the Great Balancing” officially begins.

The sign of Libra is a cardinal air energy, representing balance, equality, fairness, and justice in our one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds, and brings with those qualities the initiative desire to establish and/or maintain beauty, diplomacy, harmony, and peace. It inherently understands that if any and all of those qualities are to be truly achieved, all parties involved in a matter must have equal say and fair and just treatment. Matters need to be dealt with in a balanced way and with a logical and objective hand.

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and represents growth and expansion through experience. It’s willing to take a chance to venture into the unknown because it knows it can learn what is real and True that way. It gains the wisdom of experience which can be brought back to others and shared to the benefit of all who will listen and accept its experience as true. Optimistic and charismatic, Jupiter is a force of nature with its positive energy and powerful presence.

Blending the energies of Libra and Jupiter together, it’s all good, right? An increase of beauty, harmony, peace, and positive energy in our relationships sounds great!

The thing is…in combining the energies of Libra and Jupiter, the increase of beauty, harmony, peace, and positive energy also increases awareness of and interest in matters of balance, equality, fairness, and justice in all sorts of relationships/partnerships – personal, professional, and social/societal. Though it’ll be for the better in the long run, this increased awareness of the equal, fair, and just relationships is going to make us increasingly aware of the relationships which are  unjust, unequal, unfair situations, and imbalanced in our individual lives, in our communities and societies, and therefore in our world. This is so we can become aware of them and do whatever is necessary to bring them into balance.

Of course, those who have been in the advantage position of these imbalances may not take kindly to losing their advantage. However, those who have been on the disadvantage side of things may not take kindly to the insistence that the status quo remains in place. This may be a time of great conflict as the scales of justice are brought into balance.

With Jupiter being all about expansion, get ready for any matters of injustice, unfairness, and inequality to become bigger issues. The more people begin awakening to issues of balance in their lives, the more people will have to look at what is or isn’t balanced, fair, or equal in the environment around them, which will likely result in them looking more closely at the imbalances and inequalities in their own personal lives as well.

This 2016-2017 Jupiter in Libra will also expand awareness of exactly what people believe fairness and justice should be or look like. In these early stages, what you’ll notice is that many of the “solutions” presented are anything but equal. That’s because they’re being presented from the reality (or perception) of an extreme, and the solution is often an over-correction to balance a long-imbalanced scale. There will need to be some back-and-forth before there is true balance, and that means those on the favored end of the scale will be receiving some serious backlash for a bit while these first corrections to their advantages take place.

What fascinates me is that there are no major transits for this 2016-2017 Jupiter in Libra in the next two weeks with any body or planet except the Moon. Though the Moon transits indicate that we will feel Jupiter’s presence, we probably won’t experience its presence in a solid way until its first major transits – a quincunx with Taurus Ceres Retrograde which enters approaching 3° orb on 16th September which reveals that personal values may be indirectly affected by the relational imbalances in one’s environment, and a conjunction with the Virgo-Libra 9 Sun which enters approaching 3° orb on 22nd September just hours before the Fall Equinox which reveals what needs to be completed or cleared…or possibly which relationships or partnerships need to come to an end in order for balance to be restored or achieved.

Here’s the lunar transits over the next two weeks:

Libra Jupiter square Capricorn Moon on 10th September – When justice, fairness, and equality may challenge your emotion-driven objectives, especially when you realize they may not be as fair and just as you want to believe.

Libra Jupiter trine Aquarius Moon late on 12th September – When the people/masses are emotionally inspired to take up the cause of justice, fairness, and equality. Their position may have intellectual/logical substance.

Libra Jupiter quincunx Pisces Moon early on 15th September – When  bleeding hearts open the hearts of the others and indirectly help balance the scales of justice…OR when they become martyrs for their causes, which may not be effective in helping balance the scales.

Libra Jupiter opposite Aries Moon early on 17th September – When the injustices and inequalities awaken passions and instigate emotion-based actions and responses.

Libra Jupiter quincunx Taurus Moon on 19th September – When emotions are triggered by the matters of lifestyle and resources, indirectly revealing the whether or not fairness, justice, and equality are being implemented.

Libra Jupiter trine Gemini Moon on 21st September – When there’s an emotional investment in listening, being listened to, understanding, and being understood. This transit could be the first door to opening a true dialogue.

This 2016-2017 Jupiter in Libra begins a retrograde in early 2017, but will not return to Virgo. It will remain firmly in Libra until October 2017 once it enters the sign.

Use these next 12.5 months to recognize which relationships and situations in your life are out of balance so you can restore peace and beauty to your life experience. As we each do this for ourselves, this restoration expands itself to others, resulting in a great balancing of the energies and relational dynamics we share.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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