As of 1:54a PDT on Saturday, 13th August 2016, Saturn in Sagittarius returned to direct motion after being in retrograde motion since 25th March 2016. Though it will take a few days to get back to full speed ahead, it is now pushing us to take initiative in getting ourselves in alignment with our inner truths as we pursue our goals and ambitions.

The question here is…what is your “inner truth”? And how do you know if you – and your goals – are aligned with it?

One of the interesting effects of this 2014-2017 Sagittarius Saturn is that as you become more courageous and willing to grow and expand your experience of the world around you, you also move beyond perceived limits and boundaries to your progress. You embark on adventures and take on more first-hand experiences, and it becomes more likely that what you long believed you couldn’t do, you may suddenly find you are doing easily. This is how Saturn in Sagittarius can represent moving beyond your limits and possibly even growing beyond your goals.

Yet Sagittarius is not just about adventure, expansion, and growth – it’s about the freedom you feel and the wisdom and knowledge you gain by going through those experiences. Most important, it’s about the truth which awakens within you as result of your experiences, and your ability to teach or share the wisdom of that truth with others. The truth is what sets you free and sharing it sustains your feelings of freedom. But once you know your inner truth, you cannot pretend it isn’t so…and once you share your inner truth with others, you must abide by it.

Honoring and abiding you inner truth is the challenge of Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn is about duty and responsibility, in in Sagittarius, it reminds you of your duty and responsibility to seek, find, honor, live, and share your inner truth. When you are not fulfilling these responsibilities, you may find yourself being held accountable and responsible for disregarding them. This is likely to show up as delays, restrictions, failures, and other obstacles Universally intended to redirect or delay your progress until you re-align with and honor your awakening inner truth.

While Saturn was retrograde, you were given a lot of opportunities from the outside-in to figure out and clarify what your truth inner is. Now with Saturn in direct motion, it is up to you to apply what you’ve learned in these last 4.5 months – to focus and discipline yourself in moving toward the fulfillment and completion of your goals in ways which align with your awakened experiential truth. This alignment isn’t about you aligning with others’ truths. It is about you aligning with whatever it is you’re committed to manifesting or achieving in your life.

The most difficult part about dealing with this energy now that Saturn in Sagittarius is direct is recognizing if your goal is indeed in alignment with your inner Truth. If you’re not progressing the way you’d like, you may need to acknowledge that it may not be your method that’s out of alignment – it may very well be your goal itself.

If that is the case for you, you might need to adjust your objective. And in order to adjust your objective, you need to adjust your perspective. What are you trying to achieve, and why are you trying to achieve it? The what and why are the answers which need to align with your truth.

The perspective and objective adjustments could help you realize that the reason you may no longer align with your goals may be because you’re outgrowing them.

If you’ve had the same goals for a very long time and not been able to achieve them, the reason for the delay or denial may be that your awareness of truth has grown beyond that goal – it would actually limit you or set you back to achieve that long-held goal now. There’s a good chance that the delays and blocks you’ve been experiencing have been/are intended to keep you from reaching a particular goal because you were always supposed to be aiming for something greater. This may now be your time to “go big” – bigger than you ever possibly imagined. This is where you may need to let go of the dream you’ve held for so long. Your hands may need to reach for a bigger dream.

In order to achieve your dreams and goals, you’ll need to be focused on them and maintain strong self-discipline. Yet Sagittarius won’t let you close your mind to the point of ‘tunnel vison’. The key for you over these next 8.5 months will be discernment – keeping an open mind so you can see all of the options available to you being able to discern which opportunities will help you accomplish what you’re setting out to do.

There are two transits and planetary configurations to note:

Sagittarius Saturn square Virgo Venus, most exact on 13th August – As Saturn changes direction, it is in a square transit with Venus. This is a power transit as it makes you more aware of the roles your one-on-one partnerships of all kinds affect your ability to work toward your goals while honoring your truth. This may be a moment of truth for you as you are faced with some difficult choices about who are your best allies, companions, and partners for moving forward in alignment with your own truth. The key here is making sure that your intentions and agendas are  aligned with those of the people you’re partnered with. If not, you may need to reassess the nature, practice, or continuation of your partnership.

The afore-mentioned square is actually part of a Mutable Nodal T-Square configuration, most exact on 14th August Venus is conjunct the Virgo North Node, which represents karma to be learned and mastered. This affirms your need to reassess your partnerships and discover which relationships really do align with and encourage your growth and expansion. The Pisces South Node is conjunct with Neptune Retrograde, and represents the karma which needs to be balanced by the practical partnerships of the Virgo end. This reveals a need to release some (or all) of the grip you may have on the wounds or trauma of your emotional-spiritual past. If you’re holding onto to that past too tightly, you may not be able to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Saturn in Sagittarius represents the truth which helps you recognize which end of the karmic axis you need to work on most at this time in order to align with your inner truth.

Saturn is in Sagittarius until mid-December 2017, but its next retrograde is in early April 2017. Make the most of your opportunity to set and follow your own course now. With discipline and focus, you may be able to get yourself on a path to accomplishing more than you ever imagined possible.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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