IT’S A FULL MOON DAY! The 2016 Capricorn Full Moon will be at maximum phase at 3:57p PDT today, Tuesday 19th July 2016 (27.67°). It’s an 8 universal day, so there’s a lot of power and influence being wielded today. How we use that power and influence will be of paramount importance today and moving forward.

Capricorn is the father-figure/authority figure/disciplinarian of the Zodiac. Its cardinal earth energy doesn’t dilly-dally around – it’s usually focused on getting something done. It tends to be quite serious in nature, and holds itself and others responsible and accountable for doing their part in and for society (often others). With the Moon is in this sign today, we may gain some valuable insights regarding the motives and intentions behind the emotions we’ve been experiencing and expressing lately.

The Sun is the ruling body of Cancer, the sign opposite Capricorn. Cancer is the mother-figure/emotional advocate/nurturer of the Zodiac. Its cardinal water energy tends to be emotionally nurturing, supportive, and protective, and with the Sun in this sign, there may be quite a few revelations about what is driving the emotional energy we need to be responsible and accountable for at this time.

During a Full Moon, the Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun. In this particular case of Cancer Sun opposite Capricorn Moon, we get to notice how the expression of our current emotional energy is being reflected by the source of those feelings. So, what have we been emotionally nurturing and supporting? What is our goal or objective with expressing our emotions? What do we have to show for all of this emotional expressing, and what do we want to have showing up?

You see. The Capricorn Moon has an emotional need to “get things done”. Cap is results-driven, so there must be an objective in place – an end result needs to be manifest. The Cancer Sun emotionally nurtures and encourages whatever supports the achievement of that objective.

This is where this 2016 Capricorn Full Moon is a rather odd phenomenon.

Though there is a lot of emotional energy being expressed right now, there is no clearly-defined objective. No one really seems to know, understand, and/or be addressing what other side of the argument is seeking…and maybe they don’t want to know or understand or address it.

And therein lies the rub. The matters at hand may be too polarized. It’s difficult to find a common goal or objective when two sides won’t agree.

Notice how I say “won’t”.

It’s not that the two (or more) sides of these issues cannot agree. It’s that they do not want to find common ground or a mutually-beneficial solution. They each want to be right. They each want to win. They each want to hold the other party responsible and accountable for the upsets, the anger, and the expressions of those emotions which follow. No one wants to hold themselves accountable or responsible.

They only want to blame…and that blame game is either going to end or be amplified today.

The big deal with this 2016 Capricorn Full Moon opposition is that it provides the axis of a Kite configuration. The Cancer 7 Sun is still in a Water Grand Trine configuration with Scorpio Mars and Pisces Chiron Retrograde (25-27°). As the Capricorn Moon moves into exact opposition, it becomes the focal point of a Kite formation.

In other words, with all of this emotional energy focused on the Moon, this 2016 Capricorn Full Moon is trying to give us our collective/societal emotional goal – an objective to focus our emotional energies upon, a potential solution we can all align with. The interesting thing is that the energies in this configuration could go a few different ways.

Mars in Scorpio encourages assertive and initiative actions, and tends to be very decisive. It has no problem going to extremes to determine and achieve this goal. It’s clear that people won’t be waiting for others to tell them how to feel or express their emotions. They’re taking it upon themselves to do that. Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is giving us feedback, letting us know where people feel emotionally and spiritually wounded and in need of empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and healing. Along with the Cancer 7 Sun thoughtfully revealing our real feelings and allowing us to bring those feelings to light, this journey to peace could be initiated now. We could be using this energy to set a society-healing intention or to actually begin acknowledging the voices of all parties involved, then dealing with and healing these emotional issues.

Yet Mars is also associated with anger, and when in Scorpio, this can be an intense, vengeful anger. When on the receiving end of these potent expressions of emotion, Chiron Retrograde in Pisces finds people being extra sensitive energetically and emotionally, and people often take a victim stance, complaining that they are being unjustly or wrongfully targeted by these acts or words. That stance often sends the Cancer Sun’s energies into fear-driven, protective “mama bear” mode, defending and protecting its emotional interests. And because Mars in Scorpio deals in extremes, it completely shuts down any options that don’t feel safe or nurturing. And when it comes to those “negative” emotions, rarely does anyone want to be associated with those. So even though the focal point of the Kite – the Capricorn Moon – is essentially demanding that someone(s) be held responsible and accountable for their part in creating this emotional societal climate, this is where the potential for the blame game to continue if not intensify arises.

But there’s yet another way this could show up. After all, Capricorn represents the societal authority figures and disciplinarians – a.k.a. the powers-that-be. It’s also possible that these institutions in power could be doing their best to tell us how we “should” feel about everything that’s happening, blaming those who aren’t in power for these heightened emotional outbursts, and/or hoping that those less powerful can be fear-driven into choices which further compromise their power. At the same time, those who aren’t in positions of power could just as well be blaming those who are in power for not listening to and addressing their pain and/or their demands. All of this only may create another stalemate if neither side of the matter really wants a compromise, and is likely to result in those in power not wanting to give up any of their power, defending and protecting their emotional interests by ignoring the people’s pleas and avoiding the emotional-spiritual root causes of the conflicts, while those not in power are trying to claim their power back in order to have their voices heard.

Though two of these three afore-mentioned possibilities seem rather negative (and to a certain degree are already playing out), it’s not to say the ultimate outcome has to be negative. This 2016 Capricorn Full Moon-Kite brings us an extraordinary possibility for healing and resolution of the pain we have all been feeling. Even if the causes are not immediately ended, the journey to that resolution can begin today if we passionately capture and act upon the positive, healing, loving potential of this convergence of energies.

It’s just a matter of if we can find a common goal to agree upon and focus our emotional energies upon. We can change and heal our society…if we choose to.

It comes down to this – we need to be willing to take responsibility for ourselves and each other, and we need to hold ourselves accountable. The blaming and shaming needs to stop. We are all in this together, and if we don’t come together, we are going to tear ourselves apart. We see this energy manifesting itself all over the world, and this 2016 Capricorn Full Moon-Kite on this powerful 8 universal day could be our key to turning this car around, redirecting us toward a positive, healing outcome.

What are we choosing to stand for? What is our common goal? Is it to be polarized and in conflict, or is it to come together with peaceful intentions?

The choice is up to us.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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