The Sun is in Leo, happy at home in its sign of rulership.

The Moon will be in Aquarius, opposite the Leo Sun.

Uranus – the ruling planet of Aquarius – is currently retrograde in Aries.

Altogether, this is going to be a strong Full Moon experience.

Leo wants to be acknowledged for its unique, individual, and independent self-expression. This is your unique expression of Light that strives to be revealed to the world. Yet, Leo needs others to acknowledge its individuality. Without acknowledgment, Leo can become an attention whore and exhaust the patience and tolerance of those around them.

Aquarius wants to be acknowledged for its contributions to something bigger than itself. This is group, team, or community energy – the collaborative effort. Aquarius still wants to be a unique individual, but it also wants to be part of something that is acknowledged as a collective effort. Being able to make a unique contribution to a greater effort or cause is what drives Aquarius. In fact, Aquarius is so determined to make a one-of-a-kind difference to the mass of humanity that it isn’t shy about being rebellious or going rogue from the social collective in hopes of awakening others to the contribution of individual uniqueness to advance a team effort.

Leos want to shine brightly to draw acknowledgment and stand out from the crowd. Aquarians want to shine brightly to bring the collective effort acknowledgment through its individual participation in the group. This is why I call these opposing signs “the axis of acknowledgment”. They both want to be unique and seen for their uniqueness, yet they come to it through opposite means.

With the 2015 Aquarius Full Moon at its maximum phase at 3:44a PDT on 31st July 2015 (7.92°), there will be a powerful opportunity to find out where you stand on the axis of acknowledgment. You will be receiving feedback from others about how your unique expression of Light is being received by and/or impacting them. These others may be people around you whom you seek acknowledgement from. These others may be people you have been in collaboration with. Either way, it is an opportunity for you to see 1) where you shine, 2) how brightly you shine, 3) how effectively you are expressing yourself, and 4) if the impact you’re making is the impact that you want to make.

You will get feedback during this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon whether you like it or not, and the information you receive will be valuable – how you choose to receive it and use it becomes the focal point. You may be tempted to concede to the masses and do whatever gets you the acceptance and approval of others OR you may find yourself leaving the group behind to seek acceptance and agreement elsewhere.

Since we’re dealing with the Moon, an emotional-intellectual responses and reactions will be easy temptations for you. The Aquarius Moon will make sextile transit with Uranus Retrograde in Aries about 20.5 hours later at 12:10a PDT on 1st August (20.48°), giving you an opportunity to take retaliatory action…if you really want to. But be aware – your emotion-based actions probably won’t be a low-key affair. Others will respond to your emotional logic and let you know if they agree or disagree with your behavior or beliefs. Even if you don’t think what you do or say will be a big deal, whatever you say or do take to make your feelings known will have major publicity potential. Others are likely to find out about your beliefs and behaviors, even if it’s your intention to keep things private.

Of course, if you’re taking initiative action or taking what you believe is a leadership stance, you can be certain that you’ll get feedback from others. If you want others to follow you, be ready to deal with the challenges which come from being “the head honcho”. When you take steps to place yourself at the top, others may simply challenge your authority while others will want to take you down. A big part of establishing your public credibility under this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon is 1) to be effective in your reasoning with others and changing their minds or 2) to not care what any of them have to say about you.

Emotional authenticity – genuine expressions of intellect, courage, and bold initiative – will get you everywhere right now, so don’t be afraid to shine your unique expression of Light out into the world. We currently live in a world where only the bold get noticed, so it’s your job to make sure you’re seen by those who need to see you in order for your creativity to be known and/or your message to be heard. It’s also important that you truthfully express yourself – any lies or pretenses will be exposed for what they are, and they’ll be exposed in a big way. It’s in your best interests to go the full disclosure route with anything you choose to discuss with others. If you don’t want it to become public, don’t mention anything about it at this time though there’s still no guarantee that it will remain undisclosed.

Aquarius and Uranus are also known for bringing surprises. Expect the unexpected over the next few days, and remember – what’s good for one person may not be good for another. These next few days will bring a mixed bag of emotions. It all depends on where your self-expression (or your ego) is invested and expressed on the axis of acknowledgment…and how you choose to respond to the feedback you receive in order to find your place.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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