There’s quite a bit of activity over the next few days, and almost all of it involves Saturn in Sagittarius.

Saturn in Sagittarius is asking us to focus our energies on expanding our wisdom of experience – encouraging us to take adventures, to take chances, to expand our consciousness of the world around us.

Yet in order to preserve our freedom to explore and expand, we must define and defend that freedom from those who don’t or won’t respect our personal space.  This is where the conundrum of Saturn in Sagittarius comes into play. The dilemma under the influence of this 2015 Saturn in Sagittarius is how to grow and expand and set boundaries to ensure your growth and expansion at the same time.

Saturn is the planet of focus and discipline.  It holds us accountable and responsible for what we claim to be our goals and ambitions.  Saturn knows that if we’re going to achieve it, we need to maintain our focus on our chosen path – no distractions, no outside interests which don’t align with our goals.

Sagittarius is the sign of adventure, exploration, and expansion.  It still learns, but it learns from first-hand experience and is eager to share what it learns with others.  Sagittarius is also a great seeker of Truth in all its forms, and is eager to share the wisdom of its experiences with others – it intends to share its knowledge with the world.

Saturn in Sagittarius is committed to holding you responsible and accountable for narrowing your focus so you can concentrate your energy and efforts on growing into the fulfillment of your goals and ambitions.  The challenge here is that the more you take steps to narrow your focus and discipline yourself toward the achievement of your goals, the more it seems that others want or expect you to widen your net to include their agendas in yours.

This may be a challenging time as you get to be both more aware and more discerning about who you have around you and who you choose as companions and partners for this phase of your journey, which means 1) you may not be eager to join forces with others as they are with you, and you may need to say ‘no’ to others’ desires and demands if they are not a match for your journey, and 2) not everyone may be as eager to join forces with you as you may be with them for the same reasons.

That said, in a roughly 4-day span, Saturn in Sagittarius is in the midst of a lot of goings-on:

  • At 11:22a PST on 22nd February 2015, Saturn is trined by Juno Retrograde in Leo.
  • At 5:56a PST this morning, 23rd February 2015, Saturn is squared by the Pisces 1 Sun.
  • At 6:56a PST tomorrow morning, 24th February 2015, Saturn is trined by Venus in Aries.
  • At 7:08p PST on 25the Feburary 2015, Saturn is trined by Mars in Aries.

You’ll notice that Saturn in Sagittarius trines Juno Retrograde in Leo and both Venus and Mars in Aries.  Yep, it’s another Fire Grand Trine – a double Fire Grand Trine, to be exact.

Venus in Aries reveals that partners are more inclined to assert their individuality within their partnerships during this time.  Mars in Aries reveals that actions taken are likely to be more assertive if not aggressive under its influence.  Juno Retrograde in Leo reveals to us how committed others are to being acknowledged for their unique and individual self-expression, awakening the desire within us to commit to the same for ourselves.  It’s up to Saturn in Sagittarius to help us draw our lines in the sand so we can continue to progress forward upon our chosen and intended individual paths.

You may notice that others are coming to you with all sorts of suggestions and recommendations which are intended to “help (you) get to where (you) want to go”.  However, it’s important to remember that everyone is being influenced by Saturn in Sagittarius right now.  Everyone is feeling some pressure to define and honor their personal boundaries and everyone is simultaneously being challenged to grow into their fullest expression and to respect the boundaries of others while they do it.  The people coming to you trying to influence you may be trying to influence your journey because they either want to partner with you in moving forward OR they don’t want to be responsible for their own journey and are looking to you to lead them forward.  It’s up to you to decide if their suggestions and contributions are helping you or distracting you from your chosen path.  Remember, this is a time for you to be a leader in your life.  Are you leading or letting others lead you?

If you’re trying really hard to influence others right now, you may want to ask yourself if you’re avoiding responsibility for moving yourself forward on your own path.  You may be one of the people finding it very difficult to focus and discipline your own energies under Saturn in Sagittarius as it may be difficult for you to set the boundaries with others in order to ensure your own growth and expansion.  You may even be on the receiving end of others’ boundaries, having people resisting or rejecting your efforts.  You may be looking to be a leader for others and others don’t want to follow your lead, or you may be looking for others to take the lead and/or the initiative actions for you so you don’t have to.  Are you really being a leader and living/practicing what you preach…and does you life reflect the results you promise? Are you trying to hard to be a leader to people who no longer need or want your initiative?  Is it time for you to find a new audience for your leadership?

Saturn may be a stronger influence than we thought for some of us, and we may find that we’re not just setting boundaries.  In fact, some of the people you draw lines with may see or perceive your actions as more assertive or aggressive that you intended them to be seen or perceived, OR they may have very assertive or aggressive reactions in resisting or rejecting the initiative you’re taking or the boundaries you are setting.  This may result in “the burning of bridges” as some relationships or networking connections may dissolve during this time due to overreactions or attempts to force you into a change of course that better suits their egos or their agendas.

This is where that Pisces 1 Sun square with Saturn comes into play.  There is a bigger plan being played out during this time.  If you remember that everything and everyone is connected through the collective Oneness, you will also realize that those connections don’t necessarily need to be direct, one-on-one connections.  Not everyone is meant to be directly connected, and sometimes you’re only meant to be connected with someone as long as it benefits both of you to be in connection.  Some people may outgrow their connections, stepping into the fullest expression of their Light and passion.  Other people may decide that they’re comfortable where they are.  Others choose to play small or play themselves down.  Not everyone will be a match!

One of the biggest lessons to learn from this late February 2015 Fire Grand Trine experience is that if the bridge burns, LET IT BURN!  Don’t try to force a connection to be sustained.  If the bridge is that easily combusted, it’s not meant to last.  If someone is that upset over your resistance to their efforts or insinuations, they probably don’t need to be in your life.  Besides, if you’re confident that you’re taking the steps that are truly right for you, you won’t need to go back to those connections anyway.  It may be a scary step, but its’ a courageous one for you to move forward with clear and focused intention in the direction of your dreams and goals.

The other big lesson of this Fire Grand Trine experience is that you can’t take it all with you.  Sometimes, you need to set boundaries and cut your losses in order to grow and expand into new areas and adventures in your life.  Especially in professional or career pursuits, it’s important to let go if you are to move forward and upward.   You need to assert yourself with focus and discipline if you’re ever going to get to your destination.

It’s shaping up to be a wild ride, but hold on – it’s worth the trip to get where you want to go.  Set your GPS and start moving.  It’s up to you to determine how far you go.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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