Mars entered Pisces at 2:20a on 12th January 2015.  When it did, it opened up the possibility of a transition for the ages.

As I was contemplating this post, I recalled a conversation I had with a friend last night.  We were debating the content of and our personal preferences for either fantasy versus science fiction stories.

I observed that fantasy storylines and content seems to echo the past – idealizing the days and stories of medieval hand-to-hand combat, fires and bombs, magical myth and lore, and the fight between good and evil.  There seems to be much bloodshed and suffering in the fantasy realm, and an almost constant vying for power and supremacy that is played out in battles for land/territory over religion, culture, and origin.  It’s reminiscent of the actual fighting during The Crusades, the various empires of the day (Roman, Ottoman, and such), World Wars I and II, etc.

I also observed that science fiction seems to look forward to a future ideal in which everyone is considered and treated as equal, making efforts to overcome race, gender, and species differences.  Sci-Fi also tends to bring historical references into the mix, but only with the intention of showing us how the perceived wrongs of the past can be righted.  Of course, to present a world in which these differences are non-existent and the racial, cultural, and religious battles of the present have been overcome and transcended is a bit idealistic in its own right. And sci-fi also has its laser guns, bombs, and other tools of warfare.

The point is, both of these genres tend to idealize either the future or the past.  Neither one really wants to face or deal with now.  Probably because the now has its own challenges in trying to either bridge or transcend the two.

I mention this conversation with my friend to you because it sums up the 2015 Mars in Pisces quite nicely – actions taken in alignment with our visions and intentions for an ideal world.  In most if not all cases, this means action will likely be taken from one or more of six different stances. Many of the conflicts we experience in the world are due to the fact that many of us are operating out of one or more of these positions.  Each of these positions has its pros and cons.

  • Being in selfless service often means that you are apt to forget that you also need to be served. Yet as a selfless servant to others, you also need to be able to receive as well as give. Yes, the basic premise of service is that you serve without expectation of service in return.  However, you end up draining your energies and resources if you give everything you have away and find yourself unable to provide for yourself.  You have to be healthy and well in order to provide healing, health, and wellness to others.
  • Martyring or sacrificing yourself for others ties in a bit with the previously-mentioned selfless service component, and can be very noble and admirable…yet it often happens when you forget that you are part of the Oneness or the collective whole that is to be served. You don’t get to exclude yourself from Oneness – you are inherently part of it.  This self-sacrifice thing tends to happen when you have low self-esteem or when you are seeking the attention or praise of others (people and possibly a Higher being) for your acts of “service”.  However, if you’re serving or dying in order to get something in return – even if it’s admiration or preferential treatment – you are missing the point of service.  Serving in order to gain reward is more selfish than selfless, and tends to prove costly in the long run, especially when you don’t get what you want in return.
  • Placing yourself in the submission of others means that you see yourself as being lesser than in some way. You may see yourself as less worthy or deserving of receiving good or being loved or admired in some way.  You may see yourself as less valuable or less important.  The key here is that you see yourself in this way – what you see or perceive may not be the reality of or for others.  Even if it is for others, you don’t have to perceive yourself that way…yet if you fall into this category, you probably do anyway.
  • Both self-sacrifice and being submissive to others often lead into playing victim to others. This also looks and sounds like saying “they did this to me” or “I had no choice”, when there is always a choice and always a responsibility on your part.  Even if the other choice is suffering or death, there is still a choice to choose suffering or choose death.  The question is, do you have more power than you think you do or than you allow yourself to have?
  • When you aren’t happy with yourself and your choices, you may find yourself trying to escape the results and realities of your choices. You may not know how to get out, yet you may try.  These escapes can take the form of various types of addiction, forms of mental illness, etc.  You may not see a way out of your circumstances or a different choice for yourself that can help you move in a new and different direction.  Yet in order to move forward and upward, you must be willing to let go of the past…and if you have them, you must be willing to let go of your victimhood and/or your submission and/or your definition of service.  Some of you may even use service itself as an escape from your own life and your own needs…which also defeats the purpose of “selfless” service.
  • That leaves us with the last incarnation of Mars in Piscestranscending to experience connection with All-That-Is. Some of you idealize this, yet what you don’t realize is that in order to make this jump you must be willing to let go of any and all ideals which keep you from seeing what is actually and factually so.  Many of us have these fantastic notions of what transcendence is and what Heaven or Hell will be like or what good or evil are…and we act upon these ideals and our beliefs rooted in them.  Yet in order to transcend the world, you must be able and willing to release your own attachment to everything that defines you in the world.  That means you must be willing to let go of your pretense of service, your martyrdom, your submissive to others, your self-victimization, and your escapism.

Why am I presenting all of these challenging “horrible” and “negative” perspectives?  Because this 2015 experience of Mars in Pisces comes as we are experiencing a Capricorn 9 period (soon to be an Aquarius 9 period) of clearing out what no longer serves us well; with Mercury and Venus in Aquarius bringing up collective consciousness and humanitarian issues.  This is a time in which many people are trying to bring their beliefs and ideals to the fore.  Adding Mars in Pisces to the mix makes this a big mashup of fantasy and sci-fi in which the past is trying to fight a bloody hand-to-hand battle to make its race or religion/belief system or cultural norm supreme over all the lands, fighting with the present trying to fight that old battle with new technology and new interpretations of the old ideologies, all while the future is trying to transcend all of the hostility and violence with visions and intentions of peace and unity, and compassionate and loving and inclusive actions in effort to bring people into Oneness.

What the future doesn’t understand is that its vision cannot be realized until those who fight are outnumbered by those who won’t.  What the present doesn’t realize is that no current technology will overcome bloodshed; and what the past doesn’t understand is that bloodshed only begets more bloodshed because fear only begets more fear.

This 2015 Mars in Pisces does have a bright side – it will help us understand just how challenging it will be to overcome humanity’s conditioning  to ignorance and violence as solutions to the problems we face.  It will help us understand how each of us may be contributing to the perpetuation of this ignorance and violence.  Yet through that understanding, Mars in Pisces will also help us take actions to transform and transcend the way we’ve always done things, and it is my hope that we learn from our past and may apply those lessons to creating a future from a place of self-accountability for the choices we’ve already made, the actions we’ve already taken, and the choices and actions that we’ll each and all continue to make moving forward.

By doing so, our actions may just change the world.

Mars will be in Pisces now through 19th February 2015.  For a more generalized view of what Mars in Pisces brings to the table, check out my post from 2013.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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