This latest round of Neptune  Retrograde in Pisces began on 9th June 2014, helping us see how the events and circumstances around us help us shape our dreams and goals and also helping us see where we may have been deluding ourselves with fantasy and/or idealism. It’s been an opportunity for us to give birth to new perspectives and visions of ourselves and our lives – what we want them to be or how we want them to become.

Now, as of 11:05p PST on Saturday 15th November 2014, Neptune in Pisces returns to direct motion.  Now we get to send our new or newly-adjusted visions and ideals out into the world, experiencing the presence of Neptune in our lives for all of its inspirational and idealistic glory.

Neptune in Pisces is the epitome of visionary energy.  It is a beacon of what is possible through Oneness and the collective power of All-That-Is.  The ideal that Neptune in Pisces speaks to is that everyone and everything is connected in some way – nothing and no one ever really stands alone as we are all interconnected in all ways always.  Neptune in Pisces direct is now helping all of us realize that truth, even if it seems overly idealistic in the face of what is happening in the world.

The visions of collective Oneness that Neptune inspires can be artistic, humanitarian or philanthropic, environmentalist, romantic, and/or spiritual in a physically transcendent or ethereal way.  Neptune in Pisces inspires imagination and idealism in all of us.  It’s what fuels our dreams and ideals.  Without its presence in our lives, there isn’t much to aspire to.

However, it’s to what end that Neptune inspires us to aspire to that may be concerning.  Neptune is not only known for its inspired imagination, but also if not more so for its delusionary and fantastic influence.  Neptune, especially when in Pisces, is the ultimate bearer of the “rose-colored glasses” effect.  This is where we may become so caught up in our ideals and imaginations that we lose touch with practical and purposeful reality.  Just because we may have become emotionally invested in the beliefs and ideals that have been presented to us or that we’ve created in our own minds may make it real for us, but doesn’t necessarily make it real for everyone else.  This is where Neptune in Pisces direct may find its challenges.

What we often forget is that our beliefs and visions have extraordinary power over us, especially once we have become emotionally invested in them.  We don’t have to have the physical or tangible experience of our visionary beliefs, ideas, or ideals for us to believe that they are real – all we need is faith in the possibility that it can truly be manifest for us to be inspired to act in ways that transcend our actual and factual circumstances and bring about change through simple faith.

The key here is recognizing that it’s okay for us to believe that our dreams can become the reality of our lives…yet that reality actually has to become physically or experientially real.  It also has to come from our inner transcendental knowing, not from purely mental reasoning or purely emotional longing.

After 5 months of Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, if the distinction between idealistic fantasies and possible realities hasn’t clarified for you over the last months, the delusional beliefs and ideals that are driving you and your peers may be stronger than ever now that Neptune is direct, and may lead to some unpleasant episodes on both personal and collective levels when those fantasies meet existing realities.

If you have been able to distinguish between the two, and your beliefs and ideals have been adjusted or changed as result of the retrograde, you may find that your newly-defined vision begins to find roots in practical reality as Neptune starts direct motion. There may be synchronistic opportunities for you to move your visions into manifestation.

Also recognize that we may be unusually drawn to whatever pulls us emotionally now that Neptune in Pisces is in direct motion, and whatever we feel will bring us emotional or spiritual healing and belonging may be a draw, even if it may not actually deliver what we really need.  Martyrdom and victimization roles can easily be entered under the influence of Neptune in Pisces, so make sure you’re not being used or abused in the name of selfless service.  It is important to check in with yourself to make sure that you are moving in directions that truly serve your soul’s desire and purpose, not just what you think or what you’ve been told by others will serve you well.

Neptune doesn’t aspect any other planets as it turns to direct motion this time at 4° Pisces.  However, this is not the only retrograde experience we will have with Neptune in Pisces.  Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, and will continue in Pisces for another 11-12 years (ending in 2025, but going back in and out again due to retrograde in 2026).  There are a few more of these transitions to come.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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