Enough of diving into the dark emotional depths in your relationships.  Venus leaves its Scorpio for new adventures in the warmth of Sagittarius’ fire at 11:03a PST today, 16th November 2014.

Venus in Sagittarius brings a positive and optimistic energy to one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  On an individual note, you may find that you are more inclined to try new things or go into new environments in the hopes of encountering and/or attracting a new partner.  If you are already in a partnership, you may find that you and your partner are seeking new experiences together in order to grow and expand your connection.

With Venus in Sagittarius, you may go into experiences that you have never encountered before now.  As result, your relationships may go through various stages of first-hand experience, education, growth and expansion.  You and the other parties involved may gain a great deal of wisdom that comes through your interactions and experiences during this time.

Of course, if you are someone who prefers status quo and the stability and security it brings to your relationships, Venus in Sagittarius may not be a fun time for you.  In fact, it may make you downright miserable.

That is because Venus in Sagittarius can bring a quality to your one-on-one interactions that is like that adventure vacation trip that includes the zip line and the snorkeling and the fire dancing and…well, you get the idea.  It’s not exactly a sit on a lounge chair in the sun with an umbrella drink kind of thing.  This is the adventure that could give you and your connections of all kinds some good and rigorous tests areas of complacency, compatibility, and compassion.

Let’s look at all three of those tests one at a time:

  • Complacency gets tested because as you and your partner begin to explore uncharted territory, you may no longer be able to rely on your daily routine or daily expectations. New experiences and environments result in new ways of interacting that may need to be created in the moment while also revealing other ways of interacting which you have built over time.  These new experiences shake up your status quo, and may bring forth behaviors or habits that you wouldn’t have recognized if not for going through something new or different than your usual routine.  They may also bring new perspectives to your relationship or interactions that you would be oblivious to otherwise.
  • Compatibility gets tested because once you are no longer in your routine of complacency, you are able to see different sides of yourselves and your relationship. You may learn more about your individual selves as well as your partnership while you embrace new opportunities and experiences together.  Through these adventures, you are able to assess your connection’s capacity for growth and expansion through your individual growth and expansion.  Maybe one of you learns and changes more quickly than the other, or maybe one of you prefers variety more than stability.  Whether or not you are able to navigate these adventures better together or apart may be an important factor in what compatibility means to you and also how compatible the two of you truly are.
  • Compassion is tested because once your compatibility is assessed, it becomes a matter of how or whether or not to progress or continue the relationship. What is fascinating about this test is that most people would apply compassion as compromise – assessing the fairness and equality and balance of each person’s needs being met in the relationship in a “taking turns” kind of way.  Yet compassion isn’t as much compromise as it is recognizing one’s True needs and allowing each other the freedom to have those needs expressed and/or met…even if that means not having those needs fulfilled by each other.  Compassion is just as much about letting go as it is about holding on – it is about allowing each other to be individuals and to think and feel independently of each other, then accepting the other person’s truth without taking ownership or responsibility for it.  Once acceptance of each other’s true natures has occurred and compassion is applied, then choices can be made in the best interests of both parties involved to either move forward together or move in different directions with peaceful and loving intent.

Venus is still within 3° orb of Black Moon Lilith in Leo at the time of its transition from Scorpio into Sagittarius.  Even though the square aspect is separating, the dynamic intensifies a bit because Sagittarius and Leo are both fire signs – there is a ego-based pride streak that may rear its head as the relationship adventure begins.  If one or both parties feels that their emotional needs or expectations are not being met, that dissatisfaction could be the catalyst for a blood-boiling 36 hours that could be fueled by a need for time and space apart OR possibly time and space together to assess the relationship.

As Venus in Sagittarius exits its square with Black Moon Lilith, it immediately enters another square and finds itself having to deal with the “rose-colored glasses” effect of Neptune in Pisces.  The adventures and experiences that Venus in Sag brings to the table may severely challenge if not shatter the romantic idealism or fantastic delusions of Pisces Neptune, and a whole other level of emotional melodrama may begin.  The thing here is that though it could show up on a personal level, the idealism may be held on a more collective level.  This may indicate that social norms or ideals of partnership may be challenged by what the parties involved work out in assessing the complacency, compatibility, and compassion within their relationship.  What makes sense for the parties may not make sense to others around them, putting pressure on the partnership to confirm to others’ ideals and expectations.

In fact, there is a small window of a couple of hours in the late evening on the 17th (approximately 9:30p until 11:30p) when both of the afore-mentioned Venus in Sagittarius squares are still within 3° orb, giving Monday evening a pocket of very intense emotional energy that arises out of steps taken in new directions.  Be aware that this is a window of time that holds great potential for major relationship insights and inspiration.

Venus will be in Sagittarius through 10th December 2014.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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