Ceres changed sign on Monday, 27th October 2014, moving out of the intense extremes of Scorpio into the open-minded exploration of Sagittarius.  In doing so, Ceres in Sagittarius opens up a search for truth that occurs through the experience and assessment of our lifestyle values and resources.

Ceres, which I have found to be the ruler of the sign of Taurus, represents our fundamental needs and resources or to put it more bluntly, our survival needs.  I like to describe Ceres as the practical mother of astrology, making sure we have the material, physical, and/or financial resources to feel nurtured, safe, secure, and cared for.

In Sagittarius, Ceres is being called to venture out into the great big world to explore and gain wisdom through first-hand experience.  Through these adventures, Ceres in Sagittarius helps each and all of us find and learn the truth about what is really essential in living a nurturing, safe, and secure life.  There is great value to be discovered in stepping out of your comfort zone to try new activities and have new experiences during this time.

This 2014-2015 Ceres in Sagittarius period isn’t about survival as much as it’s about experiencing the world and life in ways that help re-connect you personally and collectively with what is truly important on the physical, material, and financial plane – that your lifestyle resources and circumstances have you feeling nurtured, cared for, and secure in your ability to grow and thrive in the world.  After being in the all-or-nothing mindset of Scorpio for the last few weeks, Ceres in Sagittarius helps take our lifestyle matters and values out of the polarities of good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and/or darkness vs. Light, and brings them back into practical and potentially expansive reality and application.  Though Sagittarius has a reputation for being larger than life, in this case of Ceres in Sagittarius it helps develop  a sense of the big picture and how it serves us well to look at ourselves and the state of our lives and resources through the bigger picture of the whole world.

As result, the presence of Ceres in Sagittarius may lead you to become more intellectually and experientially aware of the standards of living not only in your immediate surroundings, but also around the world.  By awakening to these facts, you may begin looking at your own standard of living in a different light.  You may also notice that it doesn’t serve you well to see yourself as a success or failure in life solely upon comparing your lifestyle values and resources to those of others.  It’s an opportunity for you to realize that your standards for survival (and therefore success) are relative to the environment you are in and how open and free in your self-expression your environment allows you to be.

In other words, once you see your life from a bigger perspective, Ceres in Sagittarius may have you valuing your freedom above all else.

Questions that may be coming up for you and all of us collectively during this 2014-2015 Ceres in Sagittarius period:

  • Do you have the material, physical, and financial resources to free yourself from what you feel holds you back in life?
  • Are the real or perceived restraints to your freedom of expression physical-material-financial or are they intellectual-mental-psychological, or are they both?
  • Do you need to learn more or do you already have the knowledge you need to forge ahead on your life’s journey?
  • Does your environment support you in finding and stepping into your individual (or collective) freedom?
    • Could it be that trying to sustain your comfort zone is holding you back?
    • Could it be that the people and circumstances that help you maintain your current lifestyle (that are giving you or providing you with money and other resources) are actually holding you back from your independent expression, growth, and expansion?

The answers to these questions may not be easy ones, but with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, and soon Mercury in Scorpio, you will have support in making clear and decisive choices and taking steps toward your personal freedom.  This 2014-2015 Ceres in Sagittarius period may have you embarking on an experience of yourself and your life that you may have only dreamed about before now.

Ceres will be in Sagittarius until 7th January 2015.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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