Mercury is going to be on quite the wild ride over the next six weeks or so.  Let’s discuss…

To start, Mercury entered Scorpio at 3:39p PDT yesterday, Saturday, 27th September 2014.  This takes Mercury out of Libra – which brought mindsets and communications focused on peace, diplomacy, fairness, and balance – and moves Mercury into the near-opposite experience of dealing in extremes and polarities.  Matters will be looked at through a filter of good or bad, right or wrong, yes or no, etc.  This time in Scorpio is very uncomfortable for Mercury, which is much more at home in the air element of Libra.  Water energy (especially Scorpio) is difficult for Mercury as it skews intellectual objectivity and emotional detachment, which are the cornerstones of Mercury’s mode of operation.  This is what will make Mercury seem a bit schizophrenic.  It will be toggling between extremes of its comfort and discomfort – between logic and emotion – for about six weeks as it moves from Libra to Scorpio, back to Libra, and eventually back to Scorpio.

Mercury in Scorpio really does encourage you to look at things in an all-or-nothing kind of way.  It does this to bring clear and decisive thinking to matters – it doesn’t like wishy-washy as there is no way to know where it stands when there have been no decisions made.  Under the influence of Libra Sun and Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, you may find yourself feeling pressured to make choices that you’d rather avoid as you may not want to rock the boat or cause a disruption of the peace.

This avoidance may be due to the fact that decisions you are being pushed to make under Mercury in Scorpio are just that – decisive.  They place you firmly on one side of an issue or another.  There is no gray area, which may end up making you and/or other involved parties very uncomfortable as none of you will able to play both sides of the issue(s).  With the presence of Sun and Venus in Libra, there is still quite a push for peaceful, fair, and just diplomatic efforts.  However, with Mercury in Scorpio, it will begin to become very clear where the parties involved in a matter stand as any communications – both written and spoken – will begin to undeniably reveal your positions.

However, Mercury will be in Scorpio very briefly as Mercury begins a retrograde cycle at 10:02a PDT on Saturday, 4th October 2014.  This retrograde may have you noticing the polarities and extremes of the thoughts and communications around you making themselves more obvious more quickly and clearly.  These revelations may encourage you to become more clear and decisive in the matters of your own personal life and values.  You have an opportunity to think about how these extremes directly affect you and which communications and choices you need to make to align yourself and your interests with your inner knowing of Truth.

The retrograde motion will take Mercury back into Libra at 10:27a PDT on 10th October, and justice, fairness, and equality will be at the fore of our collective and individual thinking and communicating again.  Again, the retrograde will have these matters affecting you from the outside in, as you will witness efforts being taken/made to bring fairness, justice, and equality into partnerships and diplomatic affairs.  You may even be looking at matters through a filter of what is fair or just or balanced.

The Libra Sun and Venus energies will support Mercury in Libra’s objective assessments of these negotiations, and things may seem to be going more smoothly and easily…for about 12 days, anyway.  If ever a time to get peace-keeping agreements in place, this is the time.  Even though this is during a Mercury Retrograde period and contracts and agreements aren’t usually recommended during such times, this is an opportunity for the parties involved to see themselves and their positions objectively – from the point of view of others.  Objective assessments could be made, apologies could be made, and some discussions to be “done-over” in order to have peaceful, fair, and balanced diplomatic agreements made.  The window of opportunity is here – from 10th-22nd October 2014 – to lock some objective fairness, balance, and justice in place.

This is because Mercury will begin direct motion again in Libra mid-day on 25th October, encouraging you once again to speak up for what you want to see regarding fairness, justice, and equality in partnerships and diplomatic efforts.  Yet the Sun and Venus will both be in Scorpio by then (both transitioning on 23rd October), revealing the deeply emotion-based positions and  investments you and others have in particular partnerships and outcomes, which could make negotiations far more challenging.  You’ll already have a sense of what each of the involved parties are really thinking after getting a taste of Mercury in Scorpio a month before, and no one will be able to take anything back now.  Now you’ll clearly know what they’re feeling, too.  At this point, with Mercury direct in Libra again, you get to ask yourself:

  • What really is fair, just, and equal?
  • Am I willing to give up my own emotion-based stance for what is best for diplomatic balance and peace?
  • What would constitute an objective and peaceful resolution? Am I willing to forego my emotional truth for that peace?
  • Is a peaceful resolution truly desired by all involved parties? Are parties hiding their true motives in order to maintain an illusion of peace for now?
  • Is peace even possible now that everyone involved may be unwilling to budge from their perspectives of what fairness and justice entail because they are emotionally invested in the outcomes now?

Mercury finally enters Scorpio for the second time this year at 3:09p on Saturday, 8th November 2014, getting us back into thinking, communicating, and dealing in clear and decisive extremes and aligning us with the Scorpio Sun and Venus energies.  However, this second time around indicates that decisions are likely to be made purely from intense, emotion-based reasoning rather than objective logic.

It’s sure to be a tumultuous time as our thoughts, ideas, and communications are likely to be unstable until the second week of November.  Yet it will be a pivotal time as matters in our lives and in our world will become crystal clear once it’s all said and done, thanks to Mercury in Scorpio.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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