Trines are considered positive aspects in astrology, so Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces – exact as of 2:37a PDT this morning, October 2nd, 2013 –  is an interesting one as it brings a couple of elements into play that don’t have the best reputations for being positive.

Let’s start with Saturn, which is known as the authority figure and disciplinarian of the Zodiac.  It has a reputation for being rather oppressive and restrictive, and an overall wet blanket for any sort of fun that might be had.  In Scorpio, it shows up as extreme measures being taken to focus and discipline one’s emotional-spiritual depths.

Yet when I see Saturn in Scorpio, I see the focus and discipline needed to go into your emotional-spiritual depths and clean up the mess that’s way down in there.  In other words, it’s a good energy to help you deal with your demons.

When Chiron is in Pisces, it deals with the emotional-spiritual wounds you may have around being of selfless service to others or in recognizing your right to experiencing unconditional love.  Pisces is known as the sign of visionary self-sacrifice.  With Chiron in this sign, if you’ve ever given up what you wanted or needed to take care of yourself or to make your life practically work in the pursuit of unconditional love, a romantic ideal, or for spiritual transcendence; you may now be facing up to how you’ve hurt your ability to function in the real world.

However, Chiron is in retrograde motion, and even though things may be happening outside of you to bring you self-martyrdom to your attention, the real spiritual awakening is happening within you.  You are becoming aware of how you’ve been and what you’ve done to allow this self-sacrifice to occur on the inside, and as result, you get to buckle down and set boundaries to make sure you get the emotional-spiritual clarity and healing that you need.

That reveals how Saturn in Scorpio can assist you now, and that is what is so positive about this trine.

Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is a great combination for dealing with your demons and allowing yourself to see and deal with the damage they have done to your life.  Once you see them and their aftermath, you can deal with them, clear them out, and heal the wounds they’ve left behind.

By owning up to your demons by taking responsibility for them and what you’ve allowed them to do to you and others, you are in a position of power in dealing with them.  Then you can create new rules for yourself and set new boundaries with others that enable you to transform the course of your life from a truly healed place.  As long as you deny ownership for your demons, they will continue to run you and your life.  But when you accept responsibility for them, you own them and you can run them out of your life.  There can be so much positive that comes out of dealing with the negatives in your life, but you really and truly have to be ready and committed to doing so.

Are you really ready for emotional healing?

  • Are you really ready to take responsibility for yourself and your life circumstances?   Are you ready to stop blaming others for where you have chosen to be in your life?
  • Are you really ready to own up to what you have and make the most of it from here, rather than trying to force others to give you what you want or think you should have?
  • Are you really ready to face your wounds and the demons that have caused you to blame others or to expect others to take care of and provide for you?

Are you really ready to make these changes knowing that your life will never be the same once you take the steps?  The choice is up to you.

The effects of this transit have been felt since the morning of September 11th, and will continue to be felt strongly  through the afternoon of October 22nd, 2013.  Make the most of this extraordinary opportunity to heal yourself on a spirit and soul level.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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